Part I examines the circumstances surrounding reconsideration of an interlocutory order. This article addresses how courts interpret the issue of which extraordinary circumstances are worthy of a court’s reconsideration of an order.

This presents the query – what extraordinary circumstances are required for a motion to reconsider to be granted. The motion to reconsider standards are demanding and strict and thus a court faced with such a motion is most often likely to deny the motion. These underlying polices have helped define which rules are applicable for either motion. There are various policies surrounding both types of motions for reconsideration. MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION COMES NOW, Petitioner, COURAGE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES PARTY-LIST (hereinafter referred to as (Courage), through the undersigned counsel and unto this Honorable Commission, respectfully alleges, that: 1. The applicable rules to motions for reconsideration are different depending on whether the motion is for an interlocutory or final order. A party seeking reconsideration of an order in the bankruptcy courts can file either: (1) a motion to alter or amend a judgment under Bankruptcy Rule 9023, if the order is interlocutory or (2) a motion for relief from judgment under Bankruptcy Rule 9024, if the order is a final one. 600.) On October 5, 2015, this Court denied the motion without prejudice, finding that the sanctions should not be assessed until final adjudication had occurred. While the motion is framed as a motion by Plaintiffs, the relief sought only applies to Mr. Motions for reconsideration are not recognized under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (the “Rule(s)”) or the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the “Bankruptcy Rule(s)”). August 26, 2015, Barlin filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the Court’s Order on Motion for Sanctions (Dkt. The same strict standard governs both motions for reconsideration pursuant to Local Civil Rule 6.3 and motions to alter or amend a judgment pursuant to Rule 59(e) of Federal Rules of.